Holy Hour: Wednesdays in Lent
"Remain here and watch with me." Matthew 26.38 An hour of silent prayer in the presence of the sacrament, after Evening prayer. You are free to come and go quietly as you are able, at any point during the hour.
"Remain here and watch with me." Matthew 26.38 An hour of silent prayer in the presence of the sacrament, after Evening prayer. You are free to come and go quietly as you are able, at any point during the hour.
A short service of Lenten devotion. We will walk the way of the Cross and hear: "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." Matthew 16.24
Brief afternoon rehearsal upstairs in church, to prepare for singing in Sunday's service. All are welcome to the choir, regardless of experience.
Morning Prayer is offered at 8.30am every Friday at St Peter’s, lasts 15-20 minutes and is open to all. Prayer requests are welcome. Those wishing to pray at home can follow the Church of England text and audio link here. This is a great way to mark the rhythm of the day!
Brief afternoon rehearsal upstairs in church, to prepare for singing in Sunday's service. All are welcome to the choir, regardless of experience.
Evening Prayer is offered at 5.30pm on Fridays at St Peter’s, lasts 15-20 minutes and is open to all. Prayer requests are welcome. Those wishing to pray at home can follow the Church of England text and audio link here. Evening Prayer is a wonderful ritual to end the day.
St Peter's holds regular Contemplative Eucharists, beautiful evening services, lasting just 25 minutes, on significant days in the Christian calendar. Attending these services throughout Lent is a wonderful way to journey through this special season of reflection.
After our 10am service, we gather for a short reflection on prayer and ways of praying. This will be followed by an opportunity to explore this way of prayer. Readings and reflections to aid reflection each week will be available in church. Sunday 13th March: What is prayer Sunday 20th March: Daily Prayer Sunday […]
Brief afternoon rehearsal upstairs in church, to prepare for singing in Sunday's service. All are welcome to the choir, regardless of experience.
A Sunday celebration of Christ's presence in our community, with Noisy Church or crafts for children. More information about the service ahead is published on Friday evening. Worship from Home Home Worship Download the worship booklet if you cannot attend church in person. Services are also streamed on the St Peter's You Tube channel. […]