
Funerals and Memorial Services at St Peter’s 

“I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

– from St Paul’s letter to the Romans 8.38 – 9

Coping with loss

St Peter’s clergy, lay ministers and pastoral assistants are always available to speak to in the event of the loss of a friend or loved one. If you are reading this and are recently bereaved, please know that St Peter’s is here for you, even if just for a chat in church or over a cup of tea. If a friend or loved one has recently died and you would like to talk things through please do get in touch.

Planning a funeral at St Peter’s

Anybody who has lived in the parish of De Beauvoir Town is entitled to a funeral at St Peter’s regardless of faith or belief. A funeral at St Peter’s takes place according to the funeral liturgy of the Church of England. Funerals are an important part of the process of grieving the loss of a loved one and commending the soul of the person who has died into the arms of our loving Saviour. 

Funerals in church ordinarily take place in the context of Holy Communion or the Mass, as we celebrate our unity even now with the living and departed in the gift of the heavenly banquet we share when we receive the bread and wine of the Eucharist. They include music, readings, and tributes to the person who has died. It’s also possible to have a shorter funeral service without Communion that also includes music, readings, and tributes.

Funerals can also take place at the crematorium or graveside itself. Funerals at the crematorium are shorter services but also include music, readings, and tributes based around the life of the person who has died. For more information about funerals at St Peter’s please see our guide.

The fees set for funerals by the Church of England vary from year to year, for the current fees, please contact us.

Getting in touch

If you would like to arrange or plan a funeral at St Peter’s please get in touch. A member of the clergy or a lay minister will be able to help plan and shape the service so that it best serves to honour the life of the person who has died, enable friends and loved ones to share memories and console one another, and to commend the person on the next stage of their journey towards the God who loves and created them. 

Example Order of Services

To help planning, this document gives two examples of funerals services (one in church and one at a crematorium), along with suggested hymns, Bible readings and Gospel readings.

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