Service Sheet







Albinoni D Minor: Alec Harmon, Oboe, Romee Day piano





Julia Portrait

From Rev’d Julia Porter-Pryce






From Margaret Glover



Creator God, we rejoice in the small wonders of your world, especially those we can see from our windows or discover on our local walks.

Lord, meet us in the silence

And hear our prayer


Prince of Peace, we ask for your healing of divisions that threaten the common good. Help us to be instruments of your peace and work towards deeper understanding and compassion among neighbours and strangers and between leaders and their own people.

Lord, meet us in the silence

And hear our prayer


Good Shepherd, we give you thanks for our clergy and especially for all that Julia has given through her ministry. We ask your care and guidance as we open the way for the changes to come for us and your abundant blessings on Julia as she moves into a new way of living your calling for her. In silence, please offer your own prayers.

Lord, meet us in the silence

And hear our prayer


O Lord our Governor, we bring before you the secular leaders of this world. Teach them to listen without prejudice and show them the way to justice through discernment.

Lord, meet us in the silence

And hear our prayer


Healing Lord, we offer you our prayers for those who suffer in body, mind or spirit. Inspire us with your presence so that we may be present to those in need even though we are unable to remain by their side and minister to them directly. In silence, please offer your own prayers.

Lord, meet us in the silence

And hear our prayer


Lord of wonders and miracles, we give you thanks for new life and the lengthening of days.

Lord, meet us in the silence

And hear our prayer


Spirit of hope, be with us when we feel the cold and sense the darkness.

Lord, meet us in the silence

And hear our prayer


Resurrecting Lord, we offer our prayers for those who have died and those whose anniversaries come at this time.

In silence, please offer your own prayers.


Joining our prayers with our patron, St Peter, and all the saints, we ask as one, Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.





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