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Parish Eucharist: Water into Wine
16th January 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Everyone is welcome at our weekly Parish Eucharist, celebrating Christ’s presence in the community!
Today Father Simon Cuff leads a service reflecting on the miracle at the wedding in Cana.
Home Worship Booklet
From Father Simon Cuff
Sermon 16th Jan 2022 Fr Simon Cuff
From Margaret Glover
Loving God, as we gather our prayers and offer them to you, let us hold fast to your steadfast love and celebrate your ceaseless bounty.
Creator God, we give you thanks for our earthly home, with all its delights. Help us to live and work in harmony with the natural cycles to bring forth fruit in its season and tend the animals who help nourish us with care and attention.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Prince of Peace, we bring before you the leaders of this world. Show them the way to your everlasting truth and reconciliation.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Holy Spirit, we offer our prayers for faith leaders throughout the world. Inspire them to bear witness to wondrous differences of your infinite gifts and give them the grace to serve with humility and justice.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Pascal Lamb, we ask your blessing on all those who serve this communion and community and give you thanks for those who offer their time and talents to our communal worship and to ministry within this parish as a whole.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Forgiving Father, we bring before you our confusion and uncertainty. Open our hearts to hear your word and our minds to perceive the path you have set before.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our word
Healing Lord, we offer you our prayers for those who suffer in body, mind or spirit. Give wisdom and courage to those who care for them and hope to those who wait for the recovery of neighbours and loved ones. Guide our prayers now and in the days to come towards those in most need of your soothing balm. SILENCE for individual prayer.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Generous Lord, we give you thanks for the surprises and delights of daily life. Let us never forget that through your love the most ordinary may become the most extraordinary. Release us from the limits we place on ourselves so that we, too, may transformed.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Father of all, we bring before you all those who mourn and suffer the loss of one of your children in their lives. SILENCE for individual prayer.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Resurrected Lord, we remember the souls of those who have died most recently – Ian Wright – along with those whose anniversaries come at this time –William Eldridge, Keeble Dixon, Mary Scarlett, Pearl Lewis.
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord
And may light perpetual shine upon them
We gather our prayers with Mary the Mother of our Lord and Peter our patron and offer them to you, Merciful Father. Accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
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Ahead of our annual meeting we compile reports on various aspects of our parish life together as we worship, nurtur… https://t.co/4IUgLfcTmX