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Mass of Easter Day
17th April 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

We continue our celebration of the Resurrection with our Sunday Eucharist at 10am with colouring activities for children. All welcome!
Service Sheet: Easter Day
Fr Simon Cuff
Amanda Bart-Plange
Christ is Risen, and the power of His resurrection fills the world today with new life, hope and expectation and so we bring him all our needs.
Faithful God, we think of your church today celebrating the Resurrection all over the world. Language race and nationalities may be different but our worship and our joy on the Day Of Resurrection make us one in the Gospel.
We pray that The Holy Spirit may guide and strengthen us in mission and service praying that day by day we may grow in love for you and for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
Mighty God, we pray for the leaders of the nations of the world that they may give priority to those with greatest need in the distribution of the world’s basic resources. We especially pray on this special day, for peace in the world and for countries where there is war and conflict.
We remember today those involved in the fight against terrorism around the world and for all service personnel in active duty around the world.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
Father God, at this joyful Eastertide we pray for our families and friends especially for those joining us here and those who
have travelled during the Easter Holidays. We thank you too for the joy of sending and receiving Easter cards and messages of love.
Thank you too for modern communication systems which bring our loved ones so close even when we are separated by great distances.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
Creator God, we pray for those who are in need and ask you to look with pity on those who suffer. We pray for the broken hearted, for the sick, for the lonely that your very presence would comfort them in their time of need.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
Merciful God, we pray too, for those bereaved by the passing of their loved ones. Help us to support all those who mourn with our prayers, with words of comfort and with practical help as they struggle to come to terms with their loss.
We especially pray for the recently departed and those whose anniversary fall at this time Carlotta Moore, Albert Edmund & Gerald Hay
Rest Eternal Grant unto Them O Lord
Faithful God, as we go out into the world, we pray that we may reflect your love in our families, our church, and our community; so that the world can witness that we are followers of Christ and draw others into his loving care.
Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
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