St Peter’s is exploring  ideas about how local, ecologically-based action can create a healthier, greener future for us all.

In line with the Church of England’s call for churches, we would like St Peter’s to be a net-zero carbon church by 2030.

We are currently running a sermon series on eco-conscious spirituality (July 18th, September 5th, October 31st).

July 2021:  Spiritual Change in a Time of Climate Crisis from Revd Vanessa Elston

September 2021: Renewing the Earth, interview with Margaret Glover.

October 31st: Simon Brown of Arocha UK will speak at the 10am service, on becoming an ‘eco church’.


What we are doing


  • Presenting a series of sermons on Christianity and climate change.
  • We are reviewing St Peter’s use of resources and purchasing policies in terms of its impact on our natural surroundings.
  • In 2021, we are running a sermon series on eco-conscious spirituality.
  • St Peter’s will take part in Climate Sunday in September 2021, when our church worship will focus on our connection to nature.
  • We support local  initiatives working towards a greener, sustainable future. St Peter’s is a collection point for Growing Communities, which works with local farmers selling organic fruit and vegetables.  We look forward to connecting with other, like-minded projects.


Resources we are looking at


Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration for COP26


Practical Path to Net Zero

How does an old church building reduce its carbon emissions? These web pages include an informative webinar on how heritage buildings can be made sustainable.

Eco Church

A-Rocha’s Eco Church awards scheme for churches sets out clear goal posts towards making churches greener, from improving energy efficiency to bringing the ecological awareness into worship.

Climate Emergency Toolkit

The charity Tearfund has produced an online toolkit for simple but powerful actions a church can take, based on three steps: Prepare, Declare, Impact.

Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare

CEFAW is a project at the University of Chester to develop a Christian ethics of farmed animal welfare and an associated new policy framework for Christian institutions and churches.

Climate Sunday

Climate Sunday was announced in June 2020, and will take place on Sunday 5 September 2021. Churches across England are being encouraged to take part.

Compassionate Communities

This web page provides a very useful overview of recent initiatives by the Church of England, with helpful links to resources.



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