
Lent is a season of preparation – an opportunity to spend some time focussing intentionally on your faith & spiritual life. 

‘Lent’ comes from the Old English for ‘spring’, possibly related to springtime’s ‘lengthening of days’. This reminds us of the opportunity Lent provides to develop our Christian faith, to grow in depths of prayer, and to integrate our passion for social and environmental justice in everyday life. 

We are offering a range of services and opportunities to engage in the journey of Lent. Check out the details below or here all in one place!

How is God calling you to share deeper in God’s love for you this Lent?


Ash Wednesday 22nd February: 9am Low Mass (Traditional Language); 7pm Sung Mass with imposition of ashes. Ash Wednesday marks the start of lent. Ashes are a traditional sign of penance and fasting as we begin the disciplines associated with Lent, recalling Jesus’ period of fasting in the wilderness.  ‘Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’


Wednesdays in Lent 1st, 8th*, 15th, 22nd, 29th March. Holy Hour (Eucharistic Adoration) 6pm an hour of silent prayer in the presence of the Sacrament. Come and go quietly as you are able at any point. Stations of the Cross 7pm (*5pm on the 8th March) – an opportunity to walk the way of the Cross and enter the mystery of our Lord’s Passion.


Saturdays in Lent 10am continuing our Going Deeper series. 25th February Conversation, 4th March Healing, 11th March Silence, 18th March Scripture, 25th March Conversation, 1st April Healing.


Sundays in Lent 10am Parish Eucharist (Mass) with Noisy Church. Book Group 4pm. This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories That Make Us by Cole Arthur Riley. Join us to discuss this stunningly beautiful book. Available for purchase from around £9 (for example here). Each week we’ll discuss three chapters, and passages will be prepared in case you’ve not hard chance  to buy or read that week.

  • 26th February 4pm Dignity, Place, Wonder
  • 5th March 4pm Calling, Body, Belonging
  • 12th March 4pm Fear, Lament, Rage
  • 19th March 4pm Justice, Repair, Rest
  • 26th March 4pm Joy, Memory, Liberation


Low Masses in Lent. 25 minute services of Holy Communion with space for contemplation & reflection. International Women’s Day Wednesday 8th March 6.30pm (celebrated by Bishop Joanne). Monday – Wednesday of Holy Week, 3rd, 4th, 5th April at 7pm.


Morning & Evening Prayer. Every Monday – Wednesday, Friday 8.30am  and 5.30pm. A 20 minute service of daily prayer. A wonderful way to mark the day’s rhythm.


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) A wonderful opportunity to encounter God’s healing grace & loving forgiveness. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available in church by appointment with Fr Simon.  If you’ve never made your Confession before or want to find out more about what’s involved, do speak to Fr Simon, who will be able to help you prepare and explore whether this might be for you.


Heavenly Father, your Son battled with the powers of darkness, and grew closer to you in the desert: help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and prayer that we may witness to your saving love in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lent 2023

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